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BOOK UPDATE: New “J.D.” Release Date Coming Soon

A couple updates on the book I’m writing about J.D. McDuffie.

First of all, the original release date, set for January 10, 2017, has been postponed.  While I cannot give details as to why, I can say that I expect a new release date will be announced sometime this offseason.  I will announce the new date both on this site and on my Twitter feed @LASTCARonBROCK, so stay tuned for more details.  I apologize for the inconvenience.

The book itself is very nearly complete, and I am well into the editing and revision phase.  I have also updated the cover slightly, and shortened the title to simply “J.D.”  The current version is attached to this post.

Thank you for your attention and patience.  Although this delay was not planned, I am confident that it will only help this book be the very best it can be.  In the meantime, I am also still collecting interviews, so if any of you have other sources you’d like to recommend, or know of anyone who would like to be interviewed, please let me know.

I am also in the process of updating all of my LASTCAR history books on Amazon to reflect statistics through 2016.  Those updates will be available to download by the end of this month.  I will tweet when they, too, become available.

Have a relaxing offseason and a wonderful holiday.
